Black Lives in the Founding Era

Black Lives in the Founding Era

The Black Lives in the Founding Era project highlights the lives and contributions of numerous African Americans from 1760 to 1800.



Images: A painting of James Forten by an unidentified artist, painted ca. 1815–1820. (Historical Society of Pennsylvania); An engraving of Jarena Lee, the first African American woman preacher, a member of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, printed by P. S. Duval, Philadelphia, 1844. (New York Public Library Digital Collections)

James Forten and Jarena Lee

Explore historical documents, essays and videos featuring our network of scholars, lesson plans, online exhibitions, and other resources and programs. These resources and programs help twenty-first-century students appreciate African Americans’ central role and significance in the founding era and the history of the United States.

Resources and Programs


The covers of Black Writers of the Founding Era and Slavery and Abolition in the Founding Era.

Gilder Lehrman Publications

Black Writers of the Founding Era: A Library of America Anthology (2023) is an anthology that reveals the astonishing richness and diversity of Black experience in the turbulent decades of the American Revolution. It includes more than 200 poems, letters, sermons, court transcripts, journals, petitions, and other texts by more than 100 authors. Edited by James G. Basker, president and CEO of the Gilder Lehrman Institute, with Nicole Seary, senior editor at the Gilder Lehrman Institute.

Slavery and Abolition in the Founding Era: Black and White Voices (Gilder Lehrman Institute, 2021) brings together long forgotten anti-slavery writings from America’s founding era—twenty-five texts in various genres, spanning the 1770s to the conclusion of the War of 1812. Thirteen of the nineteen writers in the volume are Black, and some of their writings are anthologized here for the first time.

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The Gilder Lehrman Book Shop

To learn more about Black Lives in the Founding Era, please visit our recommended readings on our page. This curated list explores various topics related to the African American experience during that time and includes many finalists and winners of our prestigious Frederick Douglass Book Prize. We earn an affiliate commission on every purchase made through the provided link. Thank you for supporting our programs.


History School

In spring 2021, the Gilder Lehrman History School featured the course Black Lives in the Founding Era, geared toward students in grades 3–8. During each class, we examined a different historical figure and their life, legacy, and accomplishments. A cast member from the musical Hamilton joined each class as a special guest. You can view the recordings from the course below.

Self-Paced Courses

Self-Paced Courses offer graduate-level online instruction in American history by eminent historians. Courses are available to watch or listen to on your own time and at your own pace. Teachers can also get certificates for CEU credits.


History Now

History Now, the online journal of the Gilder Lehrman Institute, features essays by the nation’s leading historians.

Full Issues


Hamilton Cast Read Alongs

Hamilton Cast Read Alongs

Hamilton Cast Read Alongs feature Hamilton cast members reading award-winning children’s books followed by a discussion of the history behind the story led by Keisha Rembert, a Gilder Lehrman master teacher.

Hamilton Education Program

Hamilton Education Program 

The Hamilton Education Program helps students see the relevance of the founding era by using primary sources to create a performance piece, following the model used by Lin-Manuel Miranda to create the musical Hamilton. Below, watch a selection of student performers from across the country share their pieces on Black lives and topics of the founding era.

Historical Documents

Audio Clips 

Guest speakers added their voices to the writings of various African Americans.

Hamilton Cast Members Reading Historical Documents

"The Petition of a Great Number of Negroes Who Are Detained in a State of Slavery," read by Renée Elise Goldsberry and other women from the cast of the musical Hamilton.

Video URL

Letter from Benjamin Banneker to Thomas Jefferson read by Christopher Jackson


Short Takes

These videos and resources provide overviews of key questions regarding Black Lives in the Founding Era.

Full Lectures

Explore this seminal period in American History with talks by eminent scholars of Black Lives in the Founding Era.


Gilder Lehrman Posters

These posters feature images from the Gilder Lehrman Collection.

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Public Programs